Best White Wines For Summer Drinking

We've handpicked a selection of interesting white wines which we think are just great at this time of year – the kind of white wine you’d like to hand, in a glass with light condensation, on a crisp linen tablecloth, as you contemplate the antipasti, primi and fish options at the River Café - but would equally be enjoyed at home in your own garden or on the beach, with or without food.

Rather than focusing on White Burgundyother Chardonnay, and Sauvignon, these are whites that you might not think of at first, but they will surprise and delight you - and not just because of your own clever wine buying skills - but because they entertain the palate in an excitingly different and refreshing way.

What about Beaujolais & Rosé too?

Why not browse our Best Rosé wines for 2024 and Beaujolais wines to mix up your order.

Case Discounts
& Free UK Delivery

Buy a (mixed) case of 12 and get the case discount price on each bottle, plus FREE UK mainland delivery for all orders over £150.

(Highlands (above Perth) and Islands can be arranged individually: email