A very strong showing across the board, with Latour making great wines (even if they will not be released for years, Lafite being spot-on, and while we felt Mouton was not quite so 'on-song' on the day, there's no doubt all the wines in this stable are excellent. Pichon Baron is staking its claim to the wine to buy if you can't quite make the stretch to a firsth growth, but elegant Pichon Lalande is not far behind, and Lynch is a real powerhouse this year. It will be fascinating to see what they are capable of in the new chai that is under consruction and should be ready for the 2018 vintage.
Click any wine name to see details including other reviews. The detail page will also give pricing for other sizes in some cases, but bear in mind that all wines can be ordered in six-bottle cases and halves and magnums as long as these are offered by the property.
L&S recommendations are marked with this symbol
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