It is beginning to look as though Spring may finally be upon us, and so we have all been sat around wondering what we should tell you about our choice of wines for the sunnier seasons. Luckily, the kind folk at The Wine Gang have done all of the hard work for us!
Following our Spring Press Tasting, The Wine Gang have posted their tasting notes on our Spring Selection, and we encourage you to take a look if you want some inspiration on what to drink now the evenings are longer, and the days a little warmer.
‘Don’t miss the Stapleton & Springer Czech Republic Pinot Noirs and a raft of exciting new Spanish wines, including from Màquina & Tabla, don’t miss the Italians or the Burgundies, don’t miss…you get the idea.’
So who is in the gang? Five of the most respected noses in the UK – Jane Parkinson of BBC1’s Saturday Kitchen, Joanna Simon of House & Garden, Anthony Rose of The Independent, David Williams of The Observer and Tom Cannavan of wine-pages.com. Yes, they are quite the bunch of wine scribes! Have a read and see what they think – or better still, try the wines for yourself!